|灵修小文| “只要信!”灵修

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文章来源网络 2021-11-29 10:55 “只要信??“不要怕,只要信?保??:36) 有一天,耶稣被一群人围?H巳褐杏幸桓龉芑崽玫娜耍???许?场m?澈苡浅睿??又谌酥屑返角懊胬矗?┓?谝?战徘啊K?鼻械乜仪笠?盏剿?胰ィ??男∨??煲?∷懒耍???酪...


2021-11-29 10:55








老童 译

Only Believe!

Do not be afraid; only believe. —Mark 5:36

One day when Jesus was surrounded by a multitude, a distressed ruler of the synagogue named Jairus pushed his way through the crowd and fell at His feet. With great urgency he pleaded with the Lord to come to his house. His little daughter was dying, and he knew that the Lord could heal her.

Jesus, who was full of compassion, immediately went with him. But on the way, a woman with a chronic disease “came behind Him in the crowd and touched His garment” (Mark 5:27). Recognizing her touch of faith, He stopped to heal her. Just then Jairus received the sad news that his daughter was dead. Jesus, sensing his deep disappointment, said to him, “Do not be afraid; only believe” (v.36).

Sometimes in our own trials of faith, we experience disappointment and despair. It appears useless to continue to believe. We may feel the need to take things into our own hands. We wonder, What’s the use of believing any longer? This is the point at which we are often defeated; yet this is also the time when victory is at the threshold.

Are you discouraged today and ready to give up? Jesus would say to you, “Don’t despair. I won’t fail you. Only believe!” Your faith will be rewarded.

Faith expects from God what is beyond all expectation.

Love worth finding

